‘All your base are belong to us,’ China tells AIIB members

Capitalism Correspondent

BEIJING (China Daily Show) — With a tough agenda aimed at shaking up the global order, China’s new infrastructure bank has warned founder members that, “All you base are belong to us.”

Beijing will wield a veto power over all Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) major decisions, beginning with whether to serve a selection of juice and pastries during non-executive meetings, or simply offer bottled water.

Voting shares for other AIIB members will be allocated using a complex formula that factors in each country’s investment and fealties, and how many mentions of the Dalai Lama are made in their media.

AIIB members attend a ‘futile’ signing ceremony

A spokesperson said AIIB will help redress the IMF and World Bank’s focus on “developed issues,” such as transparency and environmental sustainability, adding: “You have no chance to survive make your time.”

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