We Chinese: Hong Kong Government Pledges to Eliminate Subdivided Flats by 2049

With up to four families sharing a single kitchen and bathroom, the Hong Kong government has pledged to eliminate subdivided flats (spaces about 6 sq m, or 65 sq ft) by 2049 by allocating land to build 308,000 new housing units in the next decade, although this proposal would not address ‘coffin housing’—rooms sometimes as small as 22 sq ft that can cost as much as 2,100 HKD (270 USD) a month.

What do you think?

“Sounds good, but probably too late to save my marriage. I bought a new toaster last month and had to kick out my wife to make room for it.”

“2049, huh? I mean, I get it. Why rush?”

“Forget it. I’ve already started moving my stuff under a bridge.”

Wai Chun, 43
Compost Enthusiast
Mei Ling, 33 
Turtle Ambassador
Ho Man, 50
End Paper Designer



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