Ten signs he’s a foreign spy

China is offering a $15,000 reward* for tips about hostile forces who endanger national security. Here are 10 signs your boyfriend might work for a foreign espionage agency

  1. Does he have a foreign passport?
  2. Does he claim to enjoy “people watching”?
  3. Does he often bring up sensitive subjects, such as which country invented kimchi?
  4. Does he frequently leave without explanation, then return carrying bags?
  5. Is his Chinese suspiciously better than “ni hao”?
  6. Does he often wear sunglasses, even when it’s hot outside?
  7. Does he hang out with other foreigners a lot, sometimes past 9pm?
  8. Does he take up to 20 minutes to reply to simple texts?
  9. Does he refuse to carry your bags?
  10. Did he recently stop calling?

*Rewards may vary. Terms and conditions apply

Does he look like this? Report him immediately

Got a tip? Contact us at cds@chinadailyshow.net

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