Dashan not that clever: Mistress

Entertainment Correspondent

BEIJING (China Daily Show) — A woman claiming to be one of Dashan’s love-you-long-time mistresses has revealed that, contrary to popular Chinese feelings, Dashan “isn’t really that clever.”

In her soon-to-be-published memoir, Wei Tingting, 56, from Heilongjiang, reports that Dashan is unable to perform such basic tasks as, “taking taxi, extending visar, and washing feet before go to sleeping.”

According to sources, Dashan, also known as Mark Roswell, met Ms. Wei in a bathroom stall at White Rabbit in 2007, where they promptly “shared a bump and got busy with the rooster.”

Authorities at the PSB confirm that Dashan was recently denied an F visa extension, adding that “he is notorious for failing to register the resident slippery.”

In an interview with China Daily Show, the cute female laowai from Dashan’s English language television program revealed that Dashan has, “for as long as I’ve been there, employed a language double for all of his Chinese dialog.”

The news comes as a shock to 1.3 billion subscribers of Dashan’s weekly newsletter, “Clever Like Me.”

Comments online from fans range from supportive (“hang on there big brather” -shally87) to macabre (“rape his ancestors mercifully [sic] to the last generation!” -henfenqing).

Twittering witnesses tagged Dashan at the airport purchasing a ticket for Pyongyang, where the media icon has reportedly been offered a 30-picture deal with Dear Leader Productions worth well over $380 Candian dollars.

Calls placed to Dashan’s agent were not immediately returned.

Dashan sends subliminal hand gestures to aspiring mistresses.
Dashan has entertained numerous MILFs since as far back as 1997.
Dashan covers his sexy hair and tries to flee to Pyongyang.
Dashan is holding this picture upside-down (ben4dan4).
Dashan is a fucking communist.

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