Ask a foreign woman who hasn’t had a date in eight months

Dear foreign woman who hasn’t had a date in eight months,

I am having an ongoing problem with my “modern” Beijing apartment management office. My utility bills are up to date, yet they keep billing me and turning off my power, gas and water – both hot and cold, separately and together – seemingly at random, which makes it very inconvenient to shower in the dark or boil noodles, while showering in the dark.

My efforts so far to resolve the problem have been fruitless. The apartment owner lives in Canada, the office claims only the owner or the banks who handle the utilities can authorize payments or changes and the bank takes my money (4,018.2 yuan so far) happily with no results. Any suggestions?


Tired of eating and bathing at KFC

Foreign woman who hasn’t had a date in eight months says:

Er, hello? I’m an attractive, intelligent American woman with an Oberlin master’s degree. You’d think guys would be all over me, right? Right, girls? Duh – wrong!

I’ve been in China for eight months setting up an NGO but have yet to have an intelligent conversation with another North American, English or even Welsh guy who isn’t knee-walking drunk, young enough to be my little brother, some sort of sex-crime exile or doesn’t think a past participle is a “bitchin’” party that he’s missed.

I’m sick of ignorant, prejudiced Western men but I really don’t like Chinese guys

Sure, I have my opinions but who doesn’t? I say it like I see it and if you don’t like that, well, hit the road, Jack.

It’s not like I’m particularly demanding. All I’m looking for is an active, smart, sweet, preferably bi-lingual man who loves life and the outdoors and is happy to cook and clean.

Someone with whom I can discuss who is the best George (Sand or Eliot) and who also (it’s Eliot) enjoys horses, dogs, swimming, tango, mambo, the early works of Radclyffe Hall, cuddling, the Iditarod and is non-smoking. But I guess that’s just a little too much to ask, isn’t it?

Last week: Ask an English Teacher with a hangover

Next week: Ask an official at the Beijing Exit-Entry Administration Bureau

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