‘Woke’ teen realizes that entire world engaged in plot to contain China

SHENYANG (China Daily Show) — Raised in a rural backwater, high-school student Jin Sun, 17, has only recently realized that the entire world is, in fact, engaged in a simultaneous plot to contain China.

“The scales have fallen from my eyes,” a newly ’woke’ Jin exclaimed to several napping students at the Dong Feng No.4 High School library, after finally gaining access to the Chinese Internet. “Now I see it, it’s obvious: The West is constantly conspiring to prevent the beloved motherland from realizing our destined glory!”

A library similar to where Jin woke from his 17-year nap

Once the shocking truth of the ways in which the Western hegemonic system constantly keeps China down finally dawned on him, Jin said, other pieces of the puzzle suddenly fell into place. “I know why my teachers and administrators are corrupt, our school is falling apart, the river is poisoned, soybeans are now twice the price as last week, and I have virtually no hope of escaping this terrible, dead-end existence — except death,” exclaimed the now all-seeing student. “It’s all the foreigners’ fault. How brainwashed I have been!”

Jin explained that he finally learned the truth after spending two years studying Chinese textbooks, then browsing military forums online. Red-pilled Jin now plans to raise awareness of the issue by sending messages to various female students he has been stalking.

UPDATE: An earlier version of this story erroneously used a photograph of an overseas CCP critic. We apologize for the misuse, and will rectify our thoughts accordingly

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