We Chinese: North Koreans Make Raincoats From Emergency Protective Gear

After being forced to purchase protective suits for 17,000 KPW (1.58 GBP; 14.57 CNY) that were meant to keep residents safe during a nuclear or biological attack, the central government’s civil defense department found that more than half the residents of Hyesan had used the suits as raingear or as a sunshade while working outside. 

What do you think?


“The government wanted to make sure I had a radiation suit, but wasn’t concerned that I didn’t already have a raincoat. Think about that for a minute.”

“Yeah, did they also tell you we were limited to one per household? I have a husband and two kids–which one of us gets to wear the radiation suit?”

“Please, take me with you. I’m starving to death.”

Jang Sun-woo, 25 
Batchmaker, Glorious Brick Factory #5
Park Min-seo, 37 
Deputy Assistant Attendant
Kim Sung-ho, 6



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