We Chinese: Chinese Government Continues Crackdown on Human Rights

Human rights advocates say it is increasingly difficult to find any personal freedom in China, whether it is following a religion, criticizing the government, or receiving a credible defense in court, with some officials going so far as to incarcerate individuals inside psychiatric facilities, citing diagnoses of supposed ‘mental illness’, for daring to raise awareness of government wrongdoing.

What do you think?


“Well yeah, entirely understandable. Anyone who thinks they can criticize the CCP is definitely crazy.”

“Who says you can’t get a decent legal defense in China? Pleading ‘guilty’ is always an option.”

“Nah, none of that sounds right to me. If we had freedoms in China, I’m sure the government would have told us about them.”

Yang Ning, 26
Coconut Roller
Han Lei, 66
Page Turner
Wang Jun, 52
Apple Slicer



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