Jackie Chan breaks promise to wife that he’ll shut the fuck up for the next five minutes

Media Correspondent

HONG KONG (China Daily Show) – An impassioned promise to his wife that he will “just keep [my] fucking mouth shut for the next five minutes, OK?” was broken by Hollywood actor Jackie Chan, mere moments after leaving his lips.

The promise was made following a series of much-publicized interview gaffes, including a recent chat on Qiang Qiang, a Hong Kong talk show, in which the subject of Chan’s notorious nationalism came up.

Jackie Chan considers not saying something, then decides to go ahead anyway

The once-loved chop-sockey star then proceeded to embarrass himself with a series of eye-wincing statements, including his observation that “America has the most corruption in the world!”

Following the interviews, and a slew of off-air domestic diatribes about everything from the state of Hong Kong cinema to his children’s Western influences, Chan’s wife issued the profanity-strewn ultimatum.

However, as he was watching an interview between Oprah Winfrey and disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong just 45 seconds later, Chan leapt from his La-Z-Boy and hurled Cantonese insults at the screen, imploring long-suffering spouse Joan Lin to “Look, see, how corrupt US is in the sports… and then the Olympics in China…”

Reports indicated that Chan’s spluttered diatribe came to a faltering halt almost as soon as he made eye contact with Lin.

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